Call Us +44 (0)1686 611200
Proudly Made in the United Kingdom
Our cages and stillages prove an everyday necessity for many businesses when it comes to moving or transporting goods that are not otherwise placed on traditional wooden pallets. With metal frames and wired infill construction, our range of pallet cages offer a secure means of transporting goods, thus helping to reduce the time that it would otherwise take to load or unload products.... Read More
Attachment Training available from our fully certified and experienced team
Strong and sturdy design cylinder storage security cage
Speak to our friendly UK based team
Lines open
8:00 - 17:30 Mon - Thur
8:00 - 16:00 - Fri
Our cages and stillages prove an everyday necessity for many businesses when it comes to moving or transporting goods that are not otherwise placed on traditional wooden pallets.
With metal frames and wired infill construction, our range of pallet cages offer a secure means of transporting goods, thus helping to reduce the time that it would otherwise take to load or unload products.